Hi, I am Sunilkumar,

I write, talk and think about tech.


I am 22 year old technophile, currently living in Bangalore. I like to geek out on topics like Computer gaming, Photography and Bike rides. I love working in a team of enthusiastic and collaborative buddies.


I have good programming skills and a sound knowledge of different tools on different platforms. These are some of my skills.

This is my programming language of choice. I know its basics and the collections that it has. I have been using this since my diploma.
I love this language as it shows off my laziness. It has rich and out of the box features. It is my language of choice for experimenting quickly.
I worked with Postgres in most of projects. Thanks to its simplicity I got to learn a lot.                              
I recently added Vue.js to my tool kit and I love it. I picked it as it was easy to get started with frontend. (This website is not developed with Vue but materialize.css)
Free time

"Once you stop learning, you will start dying"
-Albert Eisntein

My Work

These are some of my personal projects.


GitHub Link


This project deal with some of the day-to-day problems of every computer users. DIFU is the abbreviation for - " DO IT FOR USER".
Features of this project -

  • 1) Set a reminder.
  • 2) Create a Windows media player playlist and set it to play on start-up.
  • 3) Alert the user on 100% charging (Save battery from over charging).
  • 4) Alert the user on completing large data transfer (Copy past in HDD/Portable device).


GitHub Link


This is an android application developed to provide a social interface to the students in a campus. Students will get to know the events in the campus and register if interested, students can host the events. The application has a nice user interface with material design components. Application uses Google firebase as backend.


GitHub Link


This is a Vue.js ToDo application. This project is to learn how to develop front end using Vue.js. The application can be used to list todos, user can add, mark as complete and delete todos. The app uses inmemory data object.


GitHub Link


This is a spring boot REST application. This project is to learn how to develop REST application. The REST APIs can be used to list all the topics and cources of a perticular topic, add and delete topics and cources.